
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015


El confidencial. 2014-04-01 El informe PISA es objetivo. Los académicos se rebelan


El Pais. 2016/02/04 Los creadores piden cobrar la pensión y seguir trabajando.

Saltedinburgh. Spanish immersion day


SEMINARIO http://www.dvv-international.de/es/educacion-de-adultos-y-desarrollo/seminario-virtual/?no_cache=1

internacional educación
http://baice.ac.uk/contact-baice/ revista compare

Edimburg University and Adult Education Ellen Boeren    http://www.scutrea.ac.uk/p/contactsofficers-officer-name-address.html

CASAE lista 

Scutrea.ac.uk lista SCUTREA was established in 1971 as a network of adult educators involved in researching and teaching adults. Leeds University

Paul Harrison UK http://www.edeucation.com/


EACE Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency  http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/about-eacea/working-expert/call-for-expressions-interest-n%C2%B0-eacea201301_en

Call for expressions of interest N° EACEA/2013/01 for the establishment of a list of experts to assist the Education, Audiovisual and Culture executive Agency in the framework of the management of European Union programmes in the field of education, audiovisual, culture, youth, sport, EU aid volunteers, and citizenship or any other programmes delegated to the Agency.
The list resulting from this call for expressions of interest is valid for the duration of the programmes managed by the Agency, i.e. until 31.12.2020.
Experts may submit an application at any time prior to the last three months of validity of the list, i.e. until 30.09.2020.

Call documentation

The call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2013/S 179-308003 of 14 September 2013:

Word file enfrde bgcsdaetelesitlvlthumtnlplptroskslfisv
A corrigendum to the call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2014/S 048-079564 of 8 March 2014:
Word file enfrde bgcsdaetelesitlvlthumtnlplptroskslfisv

The following documents are annexed to the call and form an integral part of it:

  • Annex 1: Model contract for experts   Word en
  • Annex 2: Code of conduct for experts  Word en


Please note that as from the beginning of March 2014 the Agency has switched to a fully electronic workflow for the management of expert contracts.
Hence, as a consequence of this, all exchanges with experts, including the conclusion of contracts for their appointment and any amendments thereto, shall be carried out in accordance with Article 287(4) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) N°1268/2012.
This also involves the use of a new model contract and annexes thereto instead of the order form and annexes thereto which were annexed to the call at the time of its publication on 14 September 2013.
We strongly invite you to carefully read the above corrigendum, as well as the new model contract and annexes thereto.
Please be also warned that the table presenting the information regarding the correlation between fees (450 €/day) and tasks to be performed which is to be found in the call notice under section 12.1 has been updated too (version of 25.03.2014).
We recommend checking this page regularly as all updates and modifications will be posted here.

How to apply

Details of how to apply are found on the 'Experts' page of the Participant Portal for Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering. Here is the link to the portal: Link to Participant Portal

Who can be an expert?

You have a chance of being selected as an expert if you:
  • Have a high level of expertise in the programmes managed by the Agency as stated in the call for expression of interest to be published by the Agency
  • Have a good knowledge of English and/or French and/or German
  • Are able to use IT tools
  • Can be available for occasional, short-term assignments

What will the assignments involve?

The Agency may need external expertise in the following programme:
  • Erasmus+ (education, youth, sport)
  • Europe for Citizens
  • Creative Europe (MEDIA, culture)
  • EU Aid Volunteers
Experts' tasks may include:
  • Evaluating proposals received in response to calls for proposals
  • Evaluating and monitoring projects
  • Assisting with the implementation of actions managed by the Agency

  • Assisting the Agency by providing opinions and advice in specific cases

Help and support

Should you require any support concerning the operational or financial aspects of the Call for expressions of interest or the programmes, please contact the relevant programme team helpdesk:

Annual lists of experts who signed contracts with the Agency

The Agency shall publish a list of the experts who signed contracts with EACEA annually on its website (only for those experts whose remuneration exceeds €15 000 per signed contract).[1]
The information published below will be removed two years after the end of the financial year in which the funds were awarded.[2]

[1] In accordance with Article 287(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) N° 1268/2012 of 29 October 2012 on the rules of application of Regulation (EU, Euratom) N) 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union.
[2] In accordance with Article 21(2) of the aforementioned Regulation and to protect the personal data of the natural persons concerned

Enerzona Omega 3 240 cápsulas + 90 cápsulas

Formato más económico disponible en el mercado:0,27€/cápsula
¿Qué es? Es un suplemento de ácidos grasos Omega 3 obtenido por un exhaustivo proceso de destilación molecular múltiple.

La tecnología utilizada, en atmósfera modificada, para elaborar ENERZONA OMEGA 3 Rx, permite obtener un aceite de pescado estable, que equivale a decir que no se oxida fácilmente y que conserva intactos todos los beneficios que presenta en la naturaleza.

Dosis diaria eficazLa suplementación diaria de 2.5 g de Omega 3 se obtiene con 1 medida enrasada de la presentación líquida o con 4 cápsulas de 1g.

Es PuroOMEGA 3 Rx tiene una cantidad inapreciable de contaminantes.
Concentración estándar de toxinas en aceite de pescadoConcentración de toxinas en ENERZONA OMEGA 3 Rx
MERCURIO100 ppb< 10 ppb
DIOXINAS22 ppt< 1 ppt
PCB\'s90 ppb< 30 ppb
(1) Estándares de contaminación de aceites de pescado. www.ifosprogram.com

Es Efectivo y Concentrado
  • Tiene una concentración de Omega 3 total del 75 %.
  • El 60% del Omega 3, son ácidos grasos de cadena larga, EPA y DHA.
  • La proporción EPA y DHA es la ideal, de 2 a 1, indicada por el Dr. Barry Sears ( 40 % EPA y 20 % DHA).
  • Contiene un nivel bajísimo de ácido Araquidónico (AA), del que es preferible tomar una baja cantidad diariamente.

Es digestivo Contiene un mínimo porcentaje (2 %) de ácidos grasos saturados. ENERZONA OMEGA 3 Rx se digiere rápidamente.

Es íntegroEl aceite de pescado es un producto que normalmente se degrada con facilidad; la tecnología utilizada para elaborar ENERZONA OMEGA 3 Rx permite la obtención de un aceite de pescado íntegro, sin oxidación, y que conserva intactos todos los beneficios que están presentes de manera natural.